Teacher Resources » Testing



Go, go, go to school.
Always do your best!
Study, study, study hard;
so you can ACE the test.
Eat, sleep before the test.
Always get your rest!
Never waste your time away,
and then you’ll have success!
The test is coming soon,
But we still have some time.
So, really study every day,
And you’ll do MORE than fine!


Tips for Success
♦ Please get enough sleep each
♦ Please make sure you arrive at
school on time (7:40am)
♦ Come to school every day!
♦ Review key instructional
skills every day.
♦ Remain calm—because you
are prepared.
♦ Take your time and answer
every question.
♦ Double check your work.
♦ Do your very BEST!